New $35 million Coach Kenny Deel Stadium set to open in 2023

Crossland Construction

The new Coach Kenny Deel Stadium mock-up and what it will most likely look like.

Coleby Milam, Reporter

Melissa High School constructed a new building four years ago, and several additions have been added in recent years such as the Melissa Arts Center (MAC), the Championship Center, and an expanded Student Union. Now, they finally have a brand new stadium being built.

The stadium, estimated to cost $35 million, should be completed right before the 2023 football season. The stadium’s name will be the Coach Kenny Deel Stadium and will be located right next to the Championship Center.

Melissa’s population has grown about five times what it was in 2010 and continues to expand, so the school district is making efforts to meet the current and future needs.

Both the home and away sides of the stadium will have two tiers with a section for the Cardinal Band on the south side of the field.

Collin County will be considered the “stadium capital of the nation” with the Allen, McKinney, and now Melissa stadium.

Even though many people are excited about the new stadium, many parents are disappointed that it will not come with a track.

The stadium will include both visitor and official locker rooms, two VIP rooms, a five-story press box, a large community room, two sky perches, and sections for the media and college scouts according to Crossland Construction. The stadium is estimated to be finished June 30, 2023.

The stadium will hold about 10,000 people replacing the smaller Cardinal Stadium that can only accommodate about 3,100 people. There will be a doorway from the meeting room into the stadium so players can run out onto the field.