Student Profile : Kensey Kennedy

Katy Belanger, Editor

Her music says it all.

Kensey Kennedy is a senior at CornerStone Christian Academy. She is top of her class, plays volleyball, sings with her school’s worship team, and is on her school’s cheer team. Not only does she excel in school but she also excels expressing her faith. She is on the youth worship team at First Baptist Church of Melissa, she helped co-create a girls conference called “Fearless.” About a year ago, Kensey announced that she was going to be creating an album and everyone who knows Kensey was ecstatic. It was about time. Now a year later, she is a couple of months away from releasing it.

After being around music all her life and watching her mother and grandmother sing at church, the music gene has not skipped a generation. Kensey is bold with her music and is not afraid to have other people hear her. She is determined to reach her goals and it shows.

I have always loved music but as I got older I loved worshipping through music,” Kensey Kennedy said. “That’s really become the primary reason that I chase music dreams because there’s no other feeling like it.”

Kensey grew up a pastor’s child moving from church to church and while she has gone through some tough struggles, her faith has blossomed from it. From this growth, Kensey strives  to show others the love of Jesus she has found in any way she can.

“The music I write is essentially my prayers and it’s the way I connect with God and so I want my music to bring the same emotion to others that it does to me,” Kennedy shares.

Kensey is the valedictorian of her class and is planning on attending Texas A&M University to study public relations. However, she still wants to continue her music.

“I would love to sing as a career, but I really just want whatever career I end up in to be something that can affect others and grow the Kingdom,” Kennedy explains. “I don’t know what he wants my music to become yet, but I will faithfully follow whatever doors open and hope that it touches as many hearts as possible along the way.”

Kensey is has a heart of gold and touches so many people.

“She’s so real that sometimes it is not what you want to hear, but she will tell you anyways,”Grace Barnes, senior at Anna High School, said. “Kensey has changed the way I feel about negative things. She has this way of trying and doing a pretty good job at taking every negative thing and giving it to God for a positive way.”

Not only has Kensey been a great friend who inspires others, but she also reaches out to people with her music.

“I would describe her music as passionate,” Sarah Dotson, youth group leader, said. “I admire how she stands up for God. That has impacted me in showing myself that I need to not be fearful of standing up for God no matter who I’m talking with.”

This is just the beginning for Kensey. To support Kensey and her music, visit her website and be prepared to see her future grow.