The student news site of Melissa High School

Cardinal Connection

The student news site of Melissa High School

Cardinal Connection

The student news site of Melissa High School

Cardinal Connection


[Podcast] Top 5: Kyle Nichols and Ava Daigle

Korinne and Sarah visit with juniors Kyle Nichols and Ava Daigle about their Top 5 Favorite Songs.


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About the Contributors
Korinne George
Korinne George, Reporter
Korinne George is a junior this year at Melissa High School. This is her first year as a reporter for the Cardinal Connection. She is involved in Student Council, Theatre and Interact. After school, you can catch her at rehearsal, with her friends, or just relaxing at home. She loves to write and is so excited to become a reporter!
Sarah Orejuela
Sarah Orejuela, Reporter
Sarah is a junior, and this is her first year writing for the Cardinal Connection. She serves as Captain of the Speech sector for the Speech and Debate team and is an active member of the track team, National Honor Society and Student Council. In her spare time, Sarah appreciates a spine-tingling murder mystery or a sweet romance novel, watching "The Big Bang Theory" with her brother and engaging in creative writing.

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