BIRD UP – Word Up (Student Opinion) The winter cheer tug-of-war begins

Disputes dominate over winter holidays official start

Some student opinions vary on the holiday timeline countdown

-Illustration by Corey Duke

Some student opinions vary on the holiday timeline countdown

Kendall Meziere and Josiah Berkeland

Christmas begins November 1

People love Christmas time, from the warm fires and chilly weather to the hundreds of Christmas songs, Christmas is arguably the best holiday.

It’s the perfect time to give your family the gift you’ve wanted to give them for months. This exact statement is why listening to Christmas music and putting up lights in November is totally acceptable. Who doesn’t love Christmas cheer?

Despite what some may say, Christmas lights should be put up in November. December is only one month, and out of that month, there are only 25 days to celebrate Christmas. Twenty five days is not enough! No one can possibly fully celebrate Christmas in that short amount of time. In addition, there is nothing wrong with listening to Christmas music in November. Christmas music can bring any mood up, which is a great reason to blast it on the radio stations starting Nov. 1.

Thanksgiving, in all its glory, sadly does not beat Christmas. What’s wrong with signing Jingle Bells while eating turkey and pumpkin pie? Nothing! Thanksgiving may be a great holiday, but Christmas overrules it. Not to mention, Christmas break is longer than Thanksgiving break. This means more time to relax outside of school, without homework and studying.

By: Kendall Meziere

Give thanks first, then string up the lights

When Thanksgiving is coming up the Christmas Tree should not be coming up as well.

Sure Christmas is great and all, but there is a time and a place. December is the month where Christmas music can start playing and Christmas decorations can go up. It wouldn’t make sense if the minute Halloween decorations go down Christmas decorations come up.

Thanksgiving needs major preparation, for the food and inviting friends over and setting up decorations. November is the month for these preparations. November should not involve things like listening to Christmas music to distract us from the amazing holiday that is Thanksgiving.

If we all started celebrating Christmas at the beginning of November, then there would be two months of waiting for Christmas to come. It would get kinda old after all that waiting. However, a month of preparation before Thanksgiving is perfect for building up to this amazing holiday where we can all gather together and share a delicious meal where recipes have been passed down from generation to generation.

By: Josiah Berkeland