Theatre takes second at state with “The Old Man and the Old Moon” and other medals

Sarah Hall

The full cast of “The Old Man and the Old Moon”

This past weekend, theatre performed the play The Old Man and The Old Moon at area in South Grand Prairie.

The Old Man and The Old Moon is a folklore about a man who takes on the job of filling the moon because there is a leak on the surface.. Later in the play, he is faced with a dilemma. choosing between his responsibility to his job and his devotion to his wife. The old man doesn’t want to go on the adventure with his wife, so he goes off and leaves. Now, he must make the choice of going off to find her or stay and tend to the moon.

“My favorite scene is the flashback scene because the actors do a really good job of becoming their characters and it’s a really heartfelt scene,” theatre teacher Megan Moore said.

Sarah Hall
Puppets controlled by students portray a scene in the Old Mans’ head.

Not only do the actors do a good job of becoming their character, but they also do a good job of really selling their part. Spectators, students, and teachers all enjoy the show because the characters allow them to feel like a part of the show. The characters allow for many different messages and themes to be discovered throughout the play.

“One of the messages in the show is you have different responsibilities in life,” Moore said, “but you can’t let your responsibilities stand in the way of what’s really important to you.”

The weekend of April 11th, theatre went to regionals and competed against six other schools. All schools gave it their all in hopes of being in the top two. After 4 hours of nothing but acting, singing, and dancing Melissa theatre came in second to North Lamar high school meaning both schools are advancing to state. Their state performance was Tuesday, April 23. They competed against eight other schools who all had good performances. At the end of the competition when it was time for awards, our school placed second out of eight. First place was awarded to Saledo high school and third was given to Seminole high school.

“I really enjoyed working alongside such an amazing cast and I’m gonna miss it a lot,” said senior Chloe Morris.