Dear Birdie

Birdie, Writer

Dear Birdie,
How can I stay updated on Cardinal Cup scores?
Dear MHS Student,
If you want to stay updated with Cardinal Cup Spirit points, visit or watch the weekly video broadcast every Friday during your homeroom class.


Dear Birdie,
How do I study effectively?
Dear MHS Student,
Stay focused on your assignments and minimize distractions. Find a study buddy or adult to help you. Use any free time you have to be engaged in your assignments rather than friends or other things.


Dear Birdie,
How many corn dogs can I eat in one sitting?
Dear MHS Student,
As much as you wan. Maybe you should try
eating 70 corn dogs to beat the world


Dear Birdie,
Why is BIM a class we have to take all year?
Dear MHS Student,
BIM is a class that is taken all year because of the amount of criteria you’re obligated to learn. BIM is a class you take in order to learn about typing and computer applications.


Dear Birdie,
Why do we put a number one up during the school song?
Dear MHS Student,
Because we are number one!
