The Show Must Go On

Theatre adapts to ‘new normal’ with musical ‘Curtains’ planned for spring debut

Megan Moore

Elliana Carter, Reporter

While many aspects of student life have been disrupted by COVID, just as many have adapted to the new circumstances. The show must go on! At least, that’s Melissa Theatre department’s mindset. Even with all that has happened this year, they are still planning a musical.

The musical for this school year is Curtains. As lead actress Emily Tubbs describes it, “Curtains is a fun murder mystery with humor, love, amazing dance numbers, and some death.”

While the show is usually held during the fall and in the Black Box, due to social distancing guidelines, the theatre department is waiting for the new 1,000-seat auditorium in the new fine arts complex to be completed first.

The musical will be performed in the auditorium during the week of spring break, March 8-12. Being in the auditorium will not only allow for a bigger audience, but they will also get to break in the new venue. The following is a list of the cast members:


Logan Lowery as Lieutenant Frank Cioff
Emily Tubbs as Niki Harris
Thaddeus Baker as Aaron Fox
Mattie McGrady as Georgia Hendricks
Madison Courtney as Carmen Berstein
Maisy Gustaveson as Bambi Bernet
Kyah Wells as Chris Belling
Ivan Yanez as Oscar Shapiro
Macayla Brown as Jenny Harmon
Jackson Thomas as Bobby Pepper
Will Barton as Daryl Grady
Luke Terry as Sidney Bernstein
Audrey Coulombe as Jessica Cranshaw

During all their preparations, students are remaining safe. In rehearsals, they wear masks, and when not rehearsing scenes, everyone is spaced out.

Overall, the cast is very excited to get to share this musical with everyone in the spring in the new auditorium. Make sure to watch for more details as the spring approaches! The theatre’s Instagram is constantly updated if you’d like to keep yourself informed.