Online learning challenges

Students feel frustration with virtual education


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Elliana Carter, Reporter

COVID has brought around many changes this year, and school is no exception. For many students across the country, this year they are learning online.This is an unprecedented experience and is difficult for everyone.

Both teachers and students are struggling to manage something so new. And as students are trying to figure out how everything works, their permanent grades for high school are being recorded on their transcripts.

For some, junior year is the most important. It’s a time where keeping your grades up along with studying for the SAT or the ACT is a handful. The prep for college starts in junior year.
For others, no matter their average, they are facing permanent marks during a difficult season.

As senior Jen Saenz says, online schooling has given her a “new experience” during these times. While some may enjoy online schooling, it is also filled with technological problems.

“Some of the technological problems I’ve experienced would have to be the WIFI going out sometimes, Edgenuity stops working when I’m in the middle of a lesson/test, and one of my assignments not letting me continue to the next slide,” Saenz said.

These glitches may not seem like much, but when your education and grades are on the line, a glitching test could have serious repercussions.

For others, the difficulties of online learning aren’t from the technology at all.

Junior Thao Mac says her troubles she encountered throughout online learning have been time management. While she’s able to keep up and understand all the work given to her, “receiving face-to-face lessons from teachers definitely beats home assignments.”

Online learning may have been chosen for several reasons this year. For many it was for the safety of their children. While this safety is important, this doesn’t mean it was an easy choice.

“Nothing could have prepared me for the loneliness I feel while at home,” Mac said, “I never thought I’d say it, but I really do miss being in the presence of my teachers and classmates.”

Overall, online learning is something that will deeply impact every student and will leave them with a unique perspective on schooling. It isn’t easy due to the glitches, pacing struggles, and isolation, but those who continue to stick with it are up to the challenge.