Phase 2 Construction Update

High school campus continues to grow

Brianne Finnell

Saher Asifi, Editor

In recent years MHS moved from its old campus (the current middle school) to the new 4-story building on Milrany Lane.

Since then, the new campus has continued to progress and grow as the student population continues to increase. Currently, MHS is going through Phase 2 construction, which includes expanding the fine arts building for programs such as choir, theatre and band. The new fine arts facility will have a 1,000-seat auditorium, a lobby and dressing rooms.

“The performing arts should open hopefully in February,” Principal Kenneth Wooten said. “I believe the schedule was originally to open in January but this timeline is close enough for building projects. The Championship Center is also expected to open around the same time as the opening of the fine arts building.”

The Championship Center as Principal Wooten mentioned is a multipurpose indoor practice facility, which will include “a 100-yard practice field, two dual credit auditoriums, two wrestling mat areas, a weight room, locker rooms, and a VIP room,” according to the Melissa Schools website. Texas Health Resources will also house a community clinic in the northeast corner of this facility.

Another construction project that is part of Phase 2 is a second gym for competition adjacent to the existing gym. Volleyball began hosting their games in the new gym this fall and have named it the “Bird Cage.” The student union has also been expanded for more seating and a larger area for students to eat.

“The phase two expansion of the high school facility is really exciting for our students, staff, and community,” Wooten said. “The expansion allows room for our programs to grow and our students to utilize state-of-the-art facilities while developing and showcasing their talents and skills. I believe our community will continue to unite with the use of these facilities.”

A new football stadium will also be constructed even though it was not part of the original Phase 2 expansion plan.

“The stadium project is moving forward,” Wooten said. “We should see the dirt work in about a month or two.”