Cardinals of the Week: Mar. 1-5

Brianne Finnell, Editor-in-Chief

Melissa High School has started a new feature to honor students and faculty members that display our core values on a consistent basis. Each week one student and one staff member will be spotlighted and awarded a certificate and some treats. The staff member will also be presented with a “traveling trophy.”

This week’s student Cardinal of the Week is junior Seth Pintor.  He was nominated by Coach Nally, who had this to say:

“Seth is a great example of being what a Melissa Cardinal should be.  He is very positive and encouraging.  He is one of the hardest working athletes I know.”

Annette Hernandez not only does an amazing job in the classroom, but she also sees that students earn their makeup hours and serve their detentions.  She translates for staff at a moment’s notice and helps out with leading the World Language department.  She is a great asset to MHS and is the epitome of a difference maker.