Cardinals of the Week: March 22-26

Melissa High School has started a new feature to honor students and faculty members that display our core values on a consistent basis. Each week one student and one staff member will be spotlighted and awarded a certificate and some treats. The staff member will also be presented with a “traveling trophy.”

Asst. Principal Needham presents Dominic Sepulveda with the student Cardinal of the Week Award.

Dominic is the epitome of what it means to be a Cardinal!  He goes out of his way to help others and to be a blessing to others.  Dominic has been spotted holding the door open for others, cleaning off tables, and energetically greeting everyone he sees.  His teachers say he is a hard worker and instills hope of a brighter tomorrow.

English teacher Ms. Hoilman is named faculty Cardinal of the Week, presented by Dean of Students Pennington and Asst. Principal Needham.

Ms. Hoilman is the epitome of a high achiever. Her years of experience coupled with her relentless attention to student achievement makes her a master teacher and a difference maker in the English department. She understands what it means to be part of Team Melissa and she consistently chooses to do things the right way, regardless of the workload it might require. She moves students forward from all types of backgrounds and experiences and she never lets a student slip through the cracks. She is organized, focused, creative, and kind. Her students and colleagues are continuously blessed by her heart.