Climate change, human activity endanger animals

Saher Asifi, Editor

Over the past thousands of years, many animals have gone extinct due to reasons such as habitat loss, pollution, or overconsumption. However, during the past few years, more than 16,000 species have become endangered more than usual. Though it is normal for animals to go naturally extinct due to frequent habitat loss, common species are at risk of extinction because of our own doing.

Animal extinction can be caused by many reasons, but climate change and human activity are the top causes currently. Climate change is occurring because of the release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which affects plants, animals, and humans. When carbon dioxide is released into the air as fossil fuels are being burned, it causes changes to a lot of species, which could affect their survival. As for human activity, nowadays there are many more trees that are being cut down for the expansion of urban areas and more land. Since a great amount of animals rely on sources like trees for their habitat and lifestyle, it makes it difficult for them to live properly if trees are continuously being chopped down.

Top animals that are on the verge of extinction:

  • Gorillas: Endangered because of damage to their habitats
  • Rhinos: Illegal trade of rhino horns and habitat loss
  • Sea turtles: Over-exploitation for pets, climate change, and diseases
  • Saola: Being hunted frequently
  • North Atlantic whale: Ship collisions
  • Tigers: Habitat loss and being hunted frequently
  • Cheetahs: Climate change
  • Orangutan: Destruction of Rainforest
  • Polar bears: Loss of sea-ice habitat because of climate change

There are thousands of species that are on the verge of extinction, but these are the top ones that are severely affected. Although a lot of damage has been done, there are still a few ways that animals can be saved.

  • One way we can reverse the destruction is by reducing the amount of trees that are being cut down and instead continue to plant more trees.
  • Support organizations that have a mission to save endangered species, such as The World Wildlife Fund.
  • Reduce pollution by reducing the use of plastic and cut down the habit of throwing waste in aquatic and forest areas.
  • Raise awareness.