[Opinion] Students can make positive 2022 resolutions

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Erika Mathilde Rolland Hoiden, Reporter

Happy New Year, Cardinals! We are just a few days into the year 2022, and with a new year comes new possibilities. Many people go into the new year ready to set new goals for themselves. Sometimes New Year’s resolutions can be extravagant and overwhelming. Here are a few easy and positive ideas that might inspire your new goals!

Try a new hobby or sport, because you never know until you have tried. Ask a coach about their sport or try out for a team. Sports can also be fun to do recreationally. Cycling, basketball, and tennis are all activities that are accessible and entertaining. If you would rather focus on developing a new hobby, embroidery is getting popular. These skills can help you with renewing your favorite clothes as well. Other creative stuff to try could be pottery, learning a new instrument, gardening, or photography.

Compliment streak. Generation Z might be familiar with streaks from Snapchat, but how about bringing it to real life? Give the people in your life compliments more often and stay motivated by challenging yourself to give at least one pure compliment every day! Keep the streak by complimenting people in your life days in a row. It feels amazing to receive and can be energizing to give!

Volunteer more! Being engaged is a great way to combine personal growth, develop new relationships, and also help others. Do some research on areas where you can volunteer in your community.

Change your routine. Sometimes every day can feel a bit tiring. However, you can be the one to change that! Begin the new year by creating a new routine for yourself. Remember to keep it realistic and begin by making small changes. An easy way to improve your day is to begin the day with a more fun and nourishing breakfast. Instead of your regular, try whipping together banana pancakes or a new recipe. You could prepare the batter the night before, so all you will have to do in the morning is use a few minutes cooking them. Voila: a warm, restaurant-worthy, and delicious meal to dig into. Another small change can be to try an alternative route to school.

Try a new Mega Lunch Club. Even though we are soon halfway through the school year, there is still plenty of time to join a new club.

Learn a language. Learning a new language takes time and commitment, but it is incredibly giving. Start by trying something small, such as learning one new word every day. After English, the most spoken languages are Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, and French, according to Berlitz.com.

Spend more time outside. Cherish the Texas sun and step outside more frequently. Bringing your food outside and eating lunch on the turf could be an excellent first step if you do not already. The sun is also a great source of vitamin D.

Take initiative. It can be so easy, and give so much! Invite people over, host a dinner party or simply go on a walk with a friend.

Go on a road trip. Travel broadens your perspectives, and it does not have to be far. Do some research and find a fantastic small town or unique place to explore.

Cook a new meal. Challenge your taste buds and try some exciting and new foods. It’s so easy to repeat the same meals over and over again. Look up a cuisine you are fascinated by and try something completely new. If you are not into cooking, go to a local restaurant and ask for the owner’s recommendations.

Welcome, 2022!