[Opinion] Ideas for fall fun


Sheila Brown

Jayla Hunter, Reporter

We are now into the fall season! The air is growing cooler, the leaves are starting to fall, and it’s time for some fall activities. Many festivals and events are happening in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.

The newest event is Pumpkin Nights in Arlington. It’s a half-mile walk where guests can see different lands with decorations and over 5,000 hand-carved and artificial pumpkins. They have tons of things to see there. I recommend checking Pumpkin Nights out this weekend.

The number one haunted house is Dark Hour Haunted House in Plano. They have scenes that make visitors feel like they are walking in a horror movie with prop designs, costumes, and special effects.

Fright Fest in Six Flags is always fun to visit. Fright Fest has haunted houses, scare zones, and rides in the dark for guests to enjoy.

There are many indoor/outdoor activities for fall. Some of the most popular outdoor fall activities are going on hay rides, visiting a corn maze, or collecting fall leaves. Baking an apple pie is always a go-to for some people, but there is also apple picking, having a bonfire, or roasting pumpkin seeds. If you want to get crafty for the fall season, you can learn how to knit, make a scarecrow, or make a fall wreath.

Shopping for decorations for fall is always fun. The best decorations for your fireplace mantle are gourds, faux leaves, or a festive cloth. Creating floral arrangements with seasonal flowers like mums and sunflowers will give your home a nice fresh pop of color. Michael’s is a great place to shop for fall decorations; they have many things to choose from. Target has some of the best fall-scented candles to finish off your newly decorated room.