

Carly Maisel, Editor in Chief

Students have the opportunity to be exempted from their second-semester finals. These exemptions only count toward high school credit classes, meaning these do not apply to dual credit courses. Principal Kenneth Wooten released the criteria for eligibility for the exemptions.

   In order to be exempt from exams, the course must be a one-credit course, plus any and all fines must be cleared. If a student has any ISS, OSS, or DAEP placements in the second semester, he/she will not be able to be excluded from taking any exam. If a student has an 85 or above average and has an exemption request form filled out and signed by the teacher and parent, he/she will be qualified for an exemption.

   As for absences, a student can have no more than three absences for the second semester. Medical, school activity, court, citizen paperwork, college visit, election clerk, deployment, religious holy day, military funeral or CPS do not count against absences.

   Seniors can earn up to four exemptions, juniors can earn up to three exemptions, sophomores can earn up to two, and freshmen can earn up to one exemption. Finals will be the last week of school, and students will be able to leave campus if they are exempt, just as it was done in the previous year.