The Banner-News Cardinal Holiday Keepsake Contest

The Banner news wants you!

Madison Courtney

Send in a story about you and a keepsake, an item that is special to you, that you received during the holidays or that has some relation to the holidays.

Send your entries to [email protected] or [email protected]


The rules and requirements

  1. Send a photo with you and your keepsake attached separately from your story in the email.
  2. You can send more than one photo if it is beneficial.
  3. Your story must be a minimum of 250 words.
  4. Use your student email so that it is easier to identify you and get back in touch.
  5. No plagiarism or copyright ( make sure it’s your story).
  6. The deadline for your story is December 19.


The prize is your story being featured on The Banner News and a gift basket with the following…

A customized mug



Target gift card

Hot chocolate and more!!!