‘Addams Family’ Review

TV classic gets animated reboot



Abbie Chaloupka, Co-Editor-in-Chief

On October 11, the anticipated The Addams Family movie was released in theatres. The Addams Family is a family-friendly and modern twist on a Halloween classic. Since the movie was released, many people have been in the Halloween spirit.

The movie is an amazing movie for your whole family. Most of the storyline takes place in New Jersey in the old asylum where the Addams live. Soon, as we know, they grow a family. The Addams have some struggles throughout the movie but they still stick together.

I personally loved how The Addams Family had humor and a good message about how family comes first. Overall, I thought the movie was great and would recommend it to my younger friends and family.

The Addams Family is a heartwarming story about the hardships and the importance of family. It is a great movie to get in the Halloween spirit and to grow your relationship with family and friends.