‘Riverdale’ Review: Perry’s on-screen character to pass



Saher Asifi, Editor

Most fans of Riverdale are mourning after the death of a famous actor, Luke Perry. Luke Perry played one of the characters also known as Fred Andrews, but the show did not air any episodes for a few months after the loss of this amazing actor.

Season four of Riverdale came out on October 9, at eight p.m. on the CW channel, and as a tribute for Luke Perry, his character will die in season four.

Most people feel though that somehow the show will not be the same without him since his passing. Even though most of us are aware of this, the show will continue to be somewhat the same as it was before. If the show had hired another actor to play Fred Andrews, this would not have been a good idea since it would definitely not be the same.

No matter what has happened so far with the cast and the plot in Riverdale: Season 4, the show must go on.