Cardinal Spirit Challenge: Babies earn points for classes

Rachel Nelson
The babies race to the finish line.

The first ever–and possibly last–Baby Race was held during “B” lunch on Fri., Nov. 15. Four babies ranging in age from 14 to 18 months represented the four high school grade levels.

The babies were introduced one by one and placed on the starting line. Then they were given the command to start, and they were off!

Not wasting any time, the sophomores’ baby crossed the finish line first. The seniors’ baby nearly crossed the finish line but got a little distracted and took a detour. The juniors’ baby took a tumble but tearfully crawled to the end. The freshmen’s baby got a little stage fright and decided to stay where she felt safe.

This race earned the sophomores 10 more points in the Cardinal Spirit Challenge, and the juniors earned five points.

The sophomores and juniors are now tied for first place with 60 points, the seniors have 55 points, and the freshmen are in last place with 45 points.

All in all, it was an adorable, heartwarming sight thanks to the community members who loaned us their babies.