State Fair offers new COVID-friendly events


Abbie Chaloupka, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Although the state fair has been cancelled this year for the first time in its history due to COVID-19, they are still hosting some festivities at the park.

One event at the state fair includes a drive-thru where you can get some famous fair food. You can also step out of your car for a photo with Big Tex. The drive-thru events are taking place on weekends beginning Sept. 25 and running through October. You do have to purchase tickets in advance and quantities are limited each day, so click here to visit the fair website for more info.

Even Big Tex is wearing a giant face mask to stay COVID safe. The mask is slightly larger than a twin-sized mattress and captures the reminder of the 2020 year–that everything has changed in our lives.

Melissa ISD’s “fair day” is scheduled for Mon., Oct. 12. Students and staff members will still get a holiday from school in spite of the fair’s cancellation.