Corin Karman competes at US Figure Skating Regional Competition


Abbie Chaloupka, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Sophomore Corin Karman, who has been figure skating since she was six, recently competed at the US Skating Regional Competition on Oct 7.

“I have been skating for a little over a year since I moved here and it is crazy how much progress I have made,” Karman said. “I’m at the same level as some kids who have been skating for years and years or even their whole life.”

This competition was difficult to prepare for because of some restrictions caused by COVID-19 at practice.

“I really had to push myself to prepare for the competition,” Karman said. “Because of the quarantine, I missed quite a few months of skating but after about three months of practice I was ready for the competition.”

Karman performed well at the regional competition held at the Allen Event Center, tying for 4th place.

“I had some bumps in my program while performing but other than that I performed very well,” Karman said.

Now, she plans on improving through practice for later competitions.