Students reveal New Year’s resolutions

New Year resolution marked in a diary for 01 January

New Year resolution marked in a diary for 01 January

Abbie Chaloupka, Co-Editor-in-Chief

On midnight January 1, 2021, people all over the world celebrated the end of 2020. While 2021 doesn’t mean the end of all last year’s troubles, it does symbolize a fresh start.

Every year many people set new year’s resolutions to better themselves. Students at Melissa High School have set all different types of resolutions and goals for 2021.

“One of my new year’s resolutions is to be more optimistic,” sophomore Lindsay Anderson said. “I want to be able to see the good in everything because I think that it will positively affect how I interact with those around me.”

Many students have new year’s resolutions that focus on their mindset for the year.

“My New Year’s resolution is to take more time for myself and not worry so much about what others think of me,” freshman Hudson Ross said.

Some students have resolutions to become healthier or more fit such as a workout plan or a healthier diet.

“One of my New Year’s resolutions is that I want to be able to hold a plank for five minutes,” sophomore Maisy Gustaveson said. “I want to be stronger for dance.”

Overall, New Year’s resolutions are a good way to set a goal for the year and improve oneself. Happy New Year!