Homecoming dance postponed, but other festivities continue


Rachel Nelson

Birdie rides on the varsity cheer float in the homecoming parade in 2020.

Abbie Chaloupka, Co-Editor-in-Chief

*Updated 10-13-21: The homecoming dance has been scheduled for Dec. 4 from 8:30 to 11 p.m. in the Student Union. The theme is “Winter Candyland,” and it will be a Sadie Hawkins dance, meaning girls ask guys. Ticket information will be released soon.

The 5th annual homecoming dance has been postponed due to safety concerns and rising COVID-19 cases in the area.

While safety is the number one priority, many students are not happy. The dance was initially supposed to be held on Oct. 23, 2021; the dance could now be as late as Feb. 2022.

“I think that if the dance is all the way in February, we should just rename the dance this year,” junior Lindsay Anderson said. “I think that they should just look at case trends and base the new date off of that.”

Many students do not believe it is fair that other schools in our area are having homecoming dances in September or October while ours could be three months away.

“I think that’s too far away, in my opinion,” junior Jax Morrow said. “Even December feels far away.”

Despite the dance being postponed, the football game and all other festivities will still be held the week of Oct 18-22.

The spirit week will include the following dress-up days: Jersey Day, Decades Day, Country Western vs. Country Club Day, and Cardinal Spirit Day. On decades day, seniors will be the 2000s, juniors will be 70s, sophomores will be 80s, and freshmen will be 90s.

Tailgating will start at 5:30 p.m. followed by the homecoming parade which will begin at 6:30 on Wednesday, Oct. 20.  The theme for this year’s parade will be “Beat The Wolves!” Registering for a float is free and must be done before Tuesday, Oct 19. To register for a float, click here. Click here to view the parade route.

The community homecoming pep rally will also be held on Oct. 20, directly after the parade. The pep rally will be held at Cardinal Stadium.

The homecoming game will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 22, and Melissa will be playing the Carrollton Ranchview Wolves. The homecoming king and queen will be crowned during the game at halftime. For those that cannot make it to the game, fans can watch it online here.