Melissa Robotics heads to state after victory at regionals
Sharon Odhiambo and Jordyn Owens

Erika Mathilde Rolland Hoiden, Reporter

Melissa Robotics has qualified for state. They participated in regionals earlier in November and placed third overall. This qualified the team to compete at the 2021 UIL BEST of Texas Robotics Tournament. The competition will take place in Frisco on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 2-3, at the Convention Center and Comerica Center.

This is the fifth consecutive year Melissa Robotics has advanced to state. Junior Kylie Hutson is one of the builders on the project. This is her second year on the robotics team, and she shared her thoughts on the team’s ambitions.

“It’s great going to state, and the team hopes to place,” Hutson said. “We do what we do to help revolutionize technology and engineering. It is great that we get to partake in that.”

The president of the robotics group is senior Micah Berger. He is also excited to participate at the state tournament, which for the senior will be his third time with the Melissa Robotics Team. The group has spent months working together planning, sketching, trying and testing, to develop the robot that they will bring to Frisco in December. The group gets together during the school week and also on Saturdays and Sundays to work.

The robotics program is a part of Melissa’s ISD Career and Technical Education program. The head coach of the robotics team is Rick Gagarin, and he is assisted by Frank DePaolo this year.

More information about the Texas state tournament is available through