High-Tech High School

Nick Lanier, Reporter

Modern technology such as new phones, laptops and tablets are sweeping the world in the 21st Century. All of this new technology is hitting the world’s schools too. These new devices can significantly help teachers in many ways, such as providing visual aids for students, and making worksheets to hand out. At Melissa, many teachers and students have new handheld devices that they use everyday, and people have various opinions about them.


Math teacher and former volleyball coach Whitney Nelson uses her iPad to teach many times a week. ¨I find using my iPad as an aid is very beneficial to my students and myself¨. The benefits of the students is the top priority, and it is great that Melissa has dedicated teachers who will do anything to help the students increase their education. Similarly, junior Joshua Love uses his new iPhone 7 for education as well as recreation. ¨At school, not all teachers let you use your phone in class, but when I can I will use Google to find out information, and even Google Docs to type my work. When I am finished and can’t talk to my friends yet, I’ll check out social media or play games on my phone until it’s time to go¨.


Not all teachers are as up to date as Coach Nelson. Many teachers use their laptops as the center of their teaching, and with many owning older devices, there will inevitably be some problems. For example, English teacher and soccer coach Kelley Pitzer says ¨my school laptop is a piece of junk, the battery life is about 10-15 minutes so I always have to have it plugged in. I’m no expert with technology but I know that it should last longer than that!¨. Whilst amusing, it is important that teachers have many resources at their disposal so that they can teach at the best of their ability every day.


Many people years ago believed that there would never be a day in their lifetimes where everyone would be sat with a screen and keypad on the table in front of them. But this has come true, and has even exceeded that thesis; today people have screens and computers held in the palm of their hands! Modern technology has no doubt assisted the workforce, and the younger generations can benefit from this in their schools, and Melissa is a great example of this.