UNICEF, celebrities offer aid to Ukraine



Ukrainian refugees leaving their country

Saher Asifi, Editor

During these past few weeks, the feud between Ukraine and Russia has been escalating. Due to the ongoing war, Ukrainians have had an increase in risk and are in a state of malnutrition, as well as being exposed to an unsafe environment. To help those in need, UNICEF has been trying to help and offer aid to the Ukrainians.

According to UNICEF’S official website, “6 trucks carrying nearly 70 tons of supplies have arrived in Ukraine.” Supplies that were sent include medical and surgical kits that can be used at the hospitals. The supplies being sent also include personal protection equipment.

Besides UNICEF, others have also started a fundraiser for Ukraine, and have been using their social media platforms to raise awareness. Celebrities such as Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively had a fundraiser for Ukraine and were able to raise $1 million. Besides Lively and Reynolds, other celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis support Ukraine. Kunis and Kutcher raised nearly $35 million from their fundraiser and were given a thank you from the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

Aside from celebrities helping Ukraine, countries such as Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and many other neighboring countries of Ukraine are accepting the refugees for their safety. Until Ukraine is free from conflict, these countries will continue to offer aid to Ukraine and help the refugees, as well.

If you want to take part in supporting Ukraine, you can raise awareness on social media, or start your own fundraiser.