Earth Days spreads love for planet


Saher Asifi, Editor

April 22 was marked as Earth Day, and people would use this day to appreciate the planet that has kept us sheltered for so long. Although Earth Day has passed, there are still some ways we can continue to acknowledge, appreciate, educate, and spread awareness about our planet.

We can show appreciation for our planet by conserving water. Scientists say we will be at risk for severe water shortages in a few years. People can conserve water by turning it off when brushing their teeth, washing their hair and body, or taking a bath. When conserving water, pollution is reduced, and energy is saved.

Another way we can help the environment is by riding bicycles more often. Since the gas prices have risen during these past few months, more money has been spent than usual. When riding a bicycle, people can save money, get their exercise, and reduce the usage of petrol.

Besides cycling and conserving water, we can also help the environment by using less plastic. Whenever drinking water, we can use a reusable water bottle to reduce the amount of plastic, and we can bring reusable grocery bags to stores whenever shopping. Therefore, less plastic will end up in the waste.