Cooking in Quarantine: Families fill time with new recipes


Spectrum News1

Rozleyn Brown, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Due to COVID-19, students and staff members have been forced to stay indoors and away from campus. As students, parents, teachers and other faculty members have been at home, they have learned and experienced new and fun activities. Students are learning new games while parents are learning new ways to keep them busy.

New food recipes and ideas are one of many things that are allowing students to use their imagination and taste buds. Not only are students and parents learning new ways to cook and bring style to their menus, so are many others. Check out this article and video from Spectrum News1 about the benefits of cooking together and some helpful tips and advice.

If you’re not sure what to make or how to make it, there are plenty of tutorials online. Check out these two YouTube videos:

Those bananas sitting on the cabinet often get too ripe and brown before they are all eaten, but before tossing them out, just search for a recipe online like freshman Itzel Convento Velez did.

“I learned how to make banana bread through a TiKTok video that I saw, and it turned out great and I really enjoyed eating it,” Itzel said.

Here is the video that she used if you want to try it yourself: TikTok Banana Bed Recipe

In the past several weeks I have also enjoyed creating new dishes with my family. So far, we have learned how to make different versions of soups, homemade teriyaki bowls and new desserts. I enjoy not only inventing new ways to cook and bake but love how it allows me to keep myself busy and leaves me with a great aftertaste.