Staying safe during holidays


Rozleyn Brown, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Students will be released from school for Thanksgiving break November 20 and won’t return until November 30.

Thanksgiving break is fast approaching. As students prepare to celebrate during the holiday season, the community needs to remember to practice maintaining social distancing.

Gathering with family and friends has always been the normal thing to do during this time of year. Due to COVID-19, many will need to make a change and plan wisely. Being with loved ones is still recommended but taking precautions is also very important.

Other states such as California have released new information about what the expectations are and what regulations will be enforced. California Governor Gavin Newsom has said that gatherings are not allowed to consist of more than three different households and gatherings must be held outside.

Although Texas officials have not released any information about safety, Texan communities still need to be considerate. There are many other activities that family members can enjoy while staying safe. Some of these activities include family road trips, watching parades online, and marathon movie watching at home.